Oli France
Oli France is an ambitious, young Briton who is following his dream of living as a full-time adventurer.
In 2015, Oli quit the rat race and has since reached 42 mountain summits in 20 countries, winter-soloed three 4000 metre peaks, climbed Mont Blanc, travelled overland for 8000 miles across the mountainous spine of Asia, finished a major house renovation and got married, and there is still plenty more to come!
He has gained support from a range of sponsors, presented to hundreds of local school children, delivered a keynote graduation talk and had travel blogs published online.
Oli offers a range of tailored talks and presentations which cover setting ambitious personal challenges and finding motivation - often from deep within, to achieve his aims.
To underpin his talks he draws upon adventuring
experiences such as being lost in a land-mined jungle, detained for four days in Uzbekistan, skirted by avalanches, on the brink of frost-bite, being spied upon, interrogated, threatened, and worst of all, told that his objectives were unachievable.
The notion of constant goal-setting, self-belief and finding inspiration are the key messages he delivers in all of his talks. Through these experiences, he has built an array of relevant stories, from the hard-hitting to the downright bizarre, which he will share to engage audiences with his primary belief; that with guts, drive and resilience, anything is possible.